من ساواك بنفسة ، ما ظلمك
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
CartonLAB .

Alessandro Dell Acqua baby line called , No 21 .

The im-watch , new technology .

Ever wished that all your devices were powered by the Android operating system? If you own an Android tablet and an Android smartphone, all that’s left for you to get is an Android watch! The folks over at Blue Sky Srl from Italy has decided to come up with an impressive “smartwatch” that runs on the Android operating system.
If you’re thinking “oh, it’s just another glorified watch display for reading rss feeds, tweets and checking missed calls” you’re wrong. The i’mWatch is capable of so much more. Besides viewing the time and checking your texts, you can make calls, receive calls, use the speakerphone for voice calls, receive emails, check the weather, check in to Foursquare, check your Facebook, Twitter and much more. What you can’t do with the default apps available, you can expand the functionality of the watch by downloading new apps from the app store.
The i’mWatch runs on a Freescale ARM9 IMX233 CPU with 64MB of RAM, 4GB of storage, a 1.54″ TFT touchscreen display, a 600mAh battery (2 hours of talk time and 48 hours standby). It can be paired up with your iPhone, BlackBerry or Android phone and it costs around $360 (€249) – and that’s a promotional price until June 30. No it’s not going to be cheap but hey – luxury comes with a price right? Or you could just wait for the Motorola Tracy XL and see how much that’s going to cost. Find out more about the i’mWatch.
Via :www.ubergizmo.com
Monday, June 20, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wilton cake decoration @ True Value store , Kuwait .

Moroccan corner @ the new True Value store , Shuwaikh , Kuwait .

Good old school days .

Two Suns on Monday 21June 2011

21st June - the Whole World is waiting for.............
Star Aderoid will be the brightest in the sky, starting 10 June. It will look as large as the sun from naked eye. This will culminate on 21stjune when the star comes within 34.65M miles of the earth. Be sure to watch the sky on june. 21 at 12:30 pm. It will look like the earth has 2 suns.!!
The next time Aderoid may come this close is in 2287