من ساواك بنفسة ، ما ظلمك
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Bulthazar , Beirut.

Hermes opening soon in Beirut .

Life is really sweet with Cocao & co , beirut.

Cocoa & Co. THE SHOP!
Cocoa & Co. has opened its first Boutique Café in Rue du Liban, Achrafieh. The Café currently serves an assortment of teas and coffees along with delicious cakes, cookies, cupcakes, brownies and many other specialties. There are also plenty of yummies to take home as well as gift packages for your gourmet friends. Look out for savoury sandwiches and salads coming sooooon.
Hala Audi Beydoun, founder and owner of Cocoa and Co. creates all her uniquely designed cakes, cookies and funky treats herself.
Her hand-decorated, individually baked cakes with a taste of home remind her customers of their own childhood, when colourful candies and yummy baked goodies attracted every kid in the neighbourhood.
Hala strives to keep this “homey” flavour in her scrumptious Cocoa and Co. creations, and takes particular care in creating sweet memories for everyone with her intricate designs – from the "Dolly cakes" that every little girl dreams of, to themed and holiday cookies, as well as corporate ones.Opening hours from 10:00am to 7:00pm, except Sundays.For more info: +961-1-323668

Sara Bags , Beirut
Babell restaurant , Bierut .

The menu encompasses all the customary dishes you’d expect to find on a Lebanese menu but the chef has gone the extra mile of adding a touch of individuality in pairing ingredients as well as in presentation. The mixed grills are succulent and certainly not to be missed. Despite that, building up your appetite with some of the favoured local mezza and the not-so-common hors d’oeuvre is of paramount importance.
The ‘maajouaa’ is a large ball of baked kebbe, stuffed with akkawi cheese and nuts, gorgeously showered with a handful of crushed pistachios. The hummus Istambouli is not your average chickpea dip. Embellished with diced walnuts and a hot chilli paste, the appetiser tickles you pink and psyches you up for the feast to come.

رجعت حليمة لعادتها القديمة
هي زوجة حاتم الطائي الذي اشتهر بالكرم
كما اشتهرت هي بالبخل
كانت اذا ارادت ان تضع سمناً في الطبخ واخذت الملعقة ترتجف في يدها
فاراد حاتم ان يعلمها الكرم فقال لها:
ان الاقدمين كانوا يقولون ان المراة كلما وضعت ملعقة من السمن في طنجرة (حلة) الطبخ
زاد الله بعمرها يوماً
فأخذت حليمة تزيد ملاعق السمن في الطبخ حتى صار طعامها طيباً وتعودت يدها على السخاء
وشاء الله ان يفجعها بابنها الوحيد الذي كانت تحبه اكثر من نفسها
فجزعت حتى تمنت الموت
واخذت لذلك تقلل من وضع السمن في الطبخ حتى ينقص عمرها وتموت
فقال الناس
عادت حليمة الى عادتها القديمة
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Lazurd sweet & pastry shop , AlRaya complex Q8 .

It is not easy to impress (Kuwaiti ) people . To create something new that surprises visitors and create a positive feeling , it's quite a challenge .
Soft opening , fortunate and honred to have the first sneak peak at Lazurd pastry shop , at AlRaya complex , mezzanene 2.
You can see the talents behind the ideas of the place and it's concept , it's not a usual pastry shop , it's totally different , you can enjoy both the tempting food bits and the way they're displayed , it makes you feel the taste of the bite before it reached your mouth .
Not to forget the amazing interior design of the place and it's setting ,it's openness and full of energy , the mini dessert , mini cakes , chocolates and canapes are displayed on a full white background , and each piece is presented in white decorative mini plates , along with a beautiful delicate modern flower arrangement . Customers can order their selection from the staff which they hold and pack it in back area of the shop .
Lazurd provide catering service for parties and events .
Lazurd is definitely art you can taste .
It's a must .

Monday, July 26, 2010
Ricamo Ramadan collection .