There is nothing like a really good dessert to make your troubles go away. Here at Crumbs, it’s not just a cookie or cupcake,they take those little treats very seriously, because they know what joy they can bring.
their desserts are special .They are baked daily, from scratch and in small batches using the finest ingredients to ensure the freshest and best taste.
they make a variety of desserts that are sure to satisfy all tastes. Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, muffins, cheesecakes, and puddings. Celebration cakes can be made to order and customized for your special occasion. Also their unique gift boxes are very popular and can be filled with your choice of Crumbs treats.
The Avenues - Food World - Level 1
Al-Rai - KuwaitTel: +965-22597616
Fax: +965-22597619
Shaab Sea Side
Block 8 ibn Al khateeb St. Villa Shaab
Bldg. Ground Floor, Shop 1
Tel: +965-2263 6614
Fax: +965-2263 6615

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