In the realm of portable frozen treats, this is easily the biggest thing to happen since People’s Pops opened in Chelsea Market. An aspiring chain, Popbar opened its first location in the West Village? Well, the all-natural gelato, sorbetto, and fro-yo is served on a stick.
Twenty-five rotating varieties are made daily with the aid of a machine that you can watch in action here, and you can get the pops ($3.99 to $4.99) in plain form, or dipped in dark, milk, or white chocolate, as well as covered in “poppings” such as shredded coconut, chopped nuts, brownie chunks, coffee grains, biscotti crumbles, and the like.
Popbar, 5 Carmine St., nr. Sixth Ave , new york .; 212-255-4874
zooooqaaaaaa yshaweg yummy yummy ;)