I'm going to miss you all , see you later .
Have a nice Eid holiday .
ينعاد عليكم بالصحة والعافية كل سنة ، وعيدكم مبارك مقدما
من ساواك بنفسة ، ما ظلمك
She is a TV health guru advocating a holistic approach to nutrition and ill health,promoting exercise, a vegetarian diet high in organic fruits and vegetables.She recommends de-tox diets, colonic irrigation and supplements, also making statements that yeast is harmful,
I now rest my case!!!
Cheers .... and Enjoy!!
Here are pictures of European trucks whose trailers are decorated to look like the sides are missing and the products they are hauling are painted on the sides and back.
The Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty..
The last one is for Pringles-Hot & Spicy. The 'inside' of the trailer has the appearance of having been through a fire.